giovedì 1 novembre 2007

Capelli rossi

Precursore di Ron Weasley...

Da Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, capitolo 22:
In person [Jonathan Strange] was rather tall and his figure was considered good. Some people thought him handsome, but this was not by any means the universal opinion. His face had two faults: a long nose and an ironic expression. It is also true that his hair had a reddish tinge and, as everybody knows, no one with red hair can ever truly be said to be handsome.
'Sta Susanna Clarke vo 'e paliat? (frase suggerita da Annarella) xD

Canzone del giorno: Pet Shop Boys - Suburbia.

3 commenti:

  1. La trovo un grandissima stupidaggine!

  2. *_____* Dawson Leery.
    Per me hai già detto tutto.

    Torni? Perchè io ti aspetto ;)

  3. mmm ad ogni modo non mi pare tu abbia i capelli rossi..
